So much stuff!

I came home from work the other day and started unloading the pockets of my scrubs onto the kitchen counter. My wife stared as I pulled out more and more things - it was reminiscent of the scene from Mary Poppins when Julie Andrews starts pulling potted plants and hat stands out of her carpet bag. Eventually, my wife shook her head and said, walking away, "you need a purse."

This is a picture of the things I carry on my person at all times. Clockwise from the top: my radiation badge (essentially a piece of Kodak film that gets tested every three months to see how much radiation I have been exposed to), my keys, my ID badge, my wallet, my cell phone, my pager, my little pre-inked stamper to put my name and ID number on orders that I write, and my car keys. In the middle are my iPod and pen.