This is another history from my favorite type of patient:
"Patient in his 40's who 'accidentally' ingested Drano that he thought was alcohol."
And another:
"Woman with psychiatric history was visiting her boyfriend in the ER when she became aggressive and loud, yelling at the nurses, and was placed on a 5150 hold by the Sacramento Police Department."
For the uninitiated, a 5150 hold refers to the section of the California Welfare and Institutions Code that allows a policeman or clinician to place a person under involuntary confinement for up to 72 hours. The person has to be a danger to him or her self, and/or others and/or gravely disabled.
Her boyfriend was a patient in the ER as well, by the way. I am not sure what his issue is. He is probably not the guy who drank the Drano, though.