Valentine's Daddy, part deux

This is the letter I received in response to my last one:

February 20, 2008

On behalf of our President and CEO, thank you for your letter of February 15th regarding your recent shopping experience at our _____ Market on _____ Drive. We are pleased to know that you found the quality and price of your purchases favorable even though your check out experience was less than satisfactory.

We appreciate fully the concerns you expressed regarding the magazine covers displayed at the cash registers. While it is important for us as a retailer to offer a variety of magazines and other publications that represent our customers' diverse interests, it is also important for us to exercise good judgment in our display of such merchandise. As a standard practice, we offer a 'vanity' shield at all magazine display racks and ask our store directors to place the shield over magazines with questionable or prurient covers. Generally, our store directors do a very good job in shielding these covers but, as you know, this can oftentimes be a matter of subjectivity.

Your idea of having a family-friendly checkout aisle is a great one and continues to be an item of discussion in our business. In the meantime, we extend our apologies to you and your daughters and assure you we will ask our store directors to be more attentive to our display of magazines so that a visit to our stores is not an unpleasant one.

Sincerely, etc.

1 comment:

tamster17 said...

I was so happy and impressed as I read this post Glade. Good for you for standing up for what is right! We too have had the same thoughts in our local grocery store and have shared our opinon on how inappropriate it is to have this kind of material right at eye level for us and our kids to see. Thumbs up on your efforts -- I hope it makes a positive difference in your and others live.